2015 Expo Day

Activity Tents

Children are natural scientists. One of the best parts about Expo Day is when children convince their parents to participate in the activities.

Beyond the Bulb

Activity Tents feature people who do science, technology, math, and engineering eagerly sharing their research with the public

2015 crowd in Hardin Planetarium's activity tent

Hardin Planetarium featured activities related to 2015 being the International Year of Light

WKU's Microbiology Club shared microscopes at the 2015 SKy Science Festival

The WKU Microbiology Club distributed free samples of glow in the dark organisms and provided the chance to look through microscopes to see the otherwise invisible.

MCNP activity tent at 2015 SKy Science Festival

National Park Service Rangers shared captivating activities to let participants explore water quality as it relates to our Karst geology in the Mammoth Cave National Park region.

Evaluation team used iPads to survey the SKy Science Festival 2015 Expo Day participants.

SKy Science Festival is part of the NSF-funded EvalFest collaborative. Using iPads for the survey made for an easy and enjoyable survey experience.

Hilltopper Astronomy Club

Solar Observing opportunities were provided by the Hilltopper Astronomy Club during the SKy Science Festival 2015 Expo Day.

Master Gardener activity table had participants exploring the layers of soil

Science is a part of all aspects of our lives, and SKy Science Festival celebrates all those who do science. Representing the Ky Extension Service Master Gardners, this activity table encourages participants to dig deeper into the layers of soil beneath our feet.

Demonstration Stage

Kentucky Science Center program: Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry

The SKy Science Festival Demonstration Stage included captivating displays of science, such as Kentucky Science Center’s program: Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry

Ion Jones shares his adventures on the Demonstration Stage

A trash can full of water erupts in a geyser when liquid nitrogen suddenly changes state to gaseous nitrogen and expands upward.

Demonstrations of conservation of angular momentum got a lot of heads spinning.

Bold, loud, bright, and showy examples of magical science and technology get shared via the Demonstration Stage. Conservation of angular momentum got a lot of heads spinning.

young girl participates in demonstration of gyroscopic torque

A youthful human gyroscope, where the torque produced by the spinning wheel resists changing direction.

Bowling Green's Amercian Flag Resevoir overlooking the SKy Science Festival at Circus Square Park.

Bowling Green’s Circus Square Park is the location for cultural, arts, and musics festivals all through the year. The springtime celebration of science and technology at Circus Square Park is a treat for all the participants.

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